Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information

Social media and image resources

Image resources for signatories and supporters are linked from this page.


Images containing the commitments

An image containing commitment one: We will make openness the default for the research information we use and produceAn image containing commitment two: We will work with services and systems that support and enable open research information
An image containing commitment three: We will support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research informationAn image containing commitment four: We will support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information


Quotes from signatories on the reasons for signing the Barcelona Declaration

A photo of Karina Batthayany, Executive Director of CLACSO with an accompanying quote: CLACSO-FOLEC firmly advocates for research assessment methodologies that take advantage of the diversity of formats, languages and distribution channels for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. To this end, we support the use of data that reflect both the production disseminated in international repositories and that contained in regional and local databases.A photo of Marin Dacos, French Coordinator for Open Science with an accompanying quote: The declaration is fully aligned with the 20201 European Council Conclusions which were released under French Presidency. The Council conclusions indeed state that data and bibliographic databases used for research assessment should, in principle, be openly accessible and that tools and technical systems should enable transparency. It is also very well aligned with the 2016 French Law that is commonly referred to as Digital Republic LawA photo of Nathalie Drach-Temam, University President of Sorbonne University with an accompanying quote: Sorbonne University has strongly supported the move toward open science for many years and the implementation of open research practices and principles in all their dimensions within its community. Beyond its benefits for researchers and research institutions, this next step towards open research information is also a civic engagement for a more open, responsible and trustworthy university.
A photo of Paolo Galimberti, Director of the Open Science Policy Division at the University of Milan with accompanying quote: We want research information that is easy to understand, handle, and analyse, while ensuring our analyses maintain transparency and reproducibility. Thankfully, we now have the necessary tools, processes, and determination to turn this vision into reality.A photo of Marcus Munafo, Chari of the UK Reproducibility Network Supervisory Board with an accompanying quote: Transparency and rigour are core to UKRN's mission. This is as important for research information as it is for research, and so we will actively support the aims of the Barcelona Declaration.A photo of Mogens Sandfaer, Head of National Open Research Analytics, Denmark with accompanying quotation: With Open Research Information we may review and access Open Science contributions in an open way. Indeed, we may make all our research assessment transparent and FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – with Open Access and without any restrictions on how the Open Research Information is used and shared.


Images including some of the reasons for adoption of the Barcelona Declaration

An image containing the text Fair assessment requires full transparencyAn image containing the text Equitable decision-making requires inclusive dataAn image containing the text Open science requires open research information

We signed

Images for signatories of the Barcelona Declaration

An image containing the notation that We Signed the declaration Because Fair Assessment of researchers and institutions requires full transparencyAn image containing the notation that We Signed the declaration Because Equitable decision-making requires inclusive dataAn image containing the notation that We Signed the declaration Because Open Science requires open research information

We support

Images for supporters of the Barcelona Declaration

An image containing the notation that We Support the declaration Because Fair Assessment of researchers and institutions requires full transparencyAn image containing the notation that We Support the declaration Because Equitable decision-making requires inclusive dataAn image containing the notation that We Support the declaration Because Open Science requires open research information


The infographic describing Open Research Information.